The American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association (AMENA-Psy) is hosting our THIRD AMENA-Psy Conference. The conference is designed to balance the delivery of content and the opportunity for interactive discussion between attendees and presenters in a virtual environment. We invite AMENA-Psy members and non-members to join us! The theme of this year's conference is MENA Intersectionality: Embracing Our Shared and Unique Experiences, which intends to: Bring a spotlight to the shared experiences among Arab/MENA individuals in the U.S. because of systemic racialization, exclusion, and continued legal invisibility, while also highlighting how various intersecting identities lead to unique lived experiences. In doing so, we aim to create a space that allows for the exploration of existing nuances and gives voice to the idiosyncratic experiences of privilege and oppression pertaining to gender, sexuality, generational status, social class, nationality, religiosity, ability status, etc. We encourage proposals related, but not limited to: Experiences of holding hyper-visible and invisible social identities Identity development and the impact of intersectional identities Developmental processes and concerns across the lifespan and family context Impact of institutionalized oppression and discrimination Sources of resilience, perseverance, and strength Public policy, social reform, and political action (national and international political movements) Culturally informed and MENA-inclusive curricula, practice, and training We encourage individuals from all fields of psychology, including educational/school, social, health, developmental, community, I/O, counseling, clinical, international, and beyond, to submit proposals. Submissions from multidisciplinary, international, and student scholars are welcome! Important Dates Deadline for proposal submission: We are no longer accepting submissions. Conference Dates: September 23 - 24, 2022 (Friday & Saturday) Time: Friday 11:00 am - 7:20 pm EST, Saturday 10:00 am - 7:30 pm EST |