Thank you for all your hard work organizing our 2nd annual AMENA-Psy Conference!Check out our Program Overview & Presentation Schedule!For more information on the presentations, see our newly released DETAILED PROGRAM!
The American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association (AMENA-Psy) is hosting our second AMENA-Psy Conference. The conference is designed to balance the delivery of content and opportunity for interactive discussion between attendees and presenters in a virtual environment. We invite AMENA-Psy members and non-members to join us! The theme of the conference this year is MENA Matters: Increasing Visibility in Psychology. The conference theme has two meanings:
Frequently Asked QuestionsConference Co-Chairs: Bahaur Amini, M.S. & Danna Bismar, M.S.Programming Co-Chairs: Rawan Atari, Ph.D. & Laila Abdel-salam, Ph.D.We encourage individuals from all fields of psychology, including educational/school, social, health, developmental, community, I/O, counseling, clinical, international and beyond, to submit proposals. Submissions from multidisciplinary, international, and student scholars are welcome! Accordingly, given the dearth of psychological research focused on MENA, we invite proposals related, but not limited, to: Identity, exclusion, and visibility Experiences of racial discrimination and ethnic oppression Methods & Theory: Assessment, modeling, sampling Social reform, solidarity, and scholar-activism Immigration and immigration reform Resilience and protective factors Development across the lifespan & family context Identity development and impact of intersectional identities Culturally-informed and MENA-inclusive curricula, practice, and training Brief Description of Presentation Types: PAPER: Papers will be orally presented to an audience, and the author(s) can decide on the format of the presentation, including whether there will be any visual aids. This should be a formal presentation of theoretical issues, original data collection, clinical case material, treatment methods, and/or program evaluations and descriptions (50 minutes). ROUNDTABLE: Roundtables provide a small group forum for discussion and debate of a specific topic. Facilitators open this session type with brief remarks or viewpoints on a specific topic that can be discussed with the audience. This format is especially appropriate for exploration and feedback of a topic, engaging in in-depth discussion or debate, and meeting colleagues with similar interests (50 minutes). SYMPOSIUM: A symposium is a session focused on a common issue in which individual authors present their diverse views with the goal of integrating the perspectives into a meaningful whole. Symposia do not focus on only one paper but are meant to involve multiple authors to present in-depth knowledge around common themes within clinical practice, research, training, and/or policy; a discussant is optional (50 minutes). POSTER: Visually inviting presentation of an individual study or project, including graphs, tables, pictures, etc. Posters should highlight the key components of the particular type of work. Presenters must be available for discussion of their work at the poster session. In an effort to increase opportunities for masters and doctoral students in psychology to present their scholarship, we encourage students to be first authors on poster presentations.
We are no longer accepting proposals at this time
PLANNING COMMITTEE Committee Members: Mohamed Elnakib, Zainab Akef, Negar Fani, Nicole Fleischer, Haleh Jortani, Layli Khaghani, and Rebecca Moussa
QUESTIONS?Frequently Asked Questions