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Student Member Benefits


Mentorship Program

Enrollment is now open for the 2024-25 Mentorship Program!

Mentorship is based on the idea that we can go further together. The Mentorship Program is, therefore, intended to facilitate students’ and young professionals’ access to one-on-one guidance and support from those further along in their education or career. 


The Mentorship Program is currently recruiting mentors and mentees for the 2024-25 academic year. Mentorship can be a highly rewarding opportunity to form meaningful relationships and to either receive or provide support in academic, research, clinical, and/or professional domains. 


Signing up for this program is a commitment, as we make every effort to pair everyone! Please read the attached program description and carefully consider whether you can commit to, at minimum, bimonthly meetings with your mentor/ mentee over the course of the academic year (August 2024 - April 2025) or over a shorter period (1-3 meetings or “consultations”). 


To enroll in the 2024-25 Mentorship Program, you must be an AMENA-Psy member and you must complete a registration form by clicking on the mentor or mentee link below. 

Applications are due by June 21st, 2024


SAVE THE DATE: Mentorship Panel


For those applying to this 2024-2025 Mentorship Program cycle, join our Mentorship Panel on June 14 for a chance to connect with interested mentors and mentees about their experiences, expertise and interests, ask questions, and connect with one another. 

Friday, June 14th, 2024 from 1 PM-3 PM EST/ 11 AM-1 PM CST/ 10 AM-12 PM PST. 

Please register for the event at the following link

What if I miss the enrollment period?

The enrollment ended on October 6th for the 2023-2024 academic year. If you are interested in participating as a mentor or mentee and missed the enrollment period, please complete the mentor or mentee forms above and you will be eligible to enroll in the brief consultation track (1 - 3 meetings) on a rolling basis depending on finding a suitable match. 

You must be an AMENA-Psy member to be eligible for the program. To renew your membership, please fill out your application here. If you have any questions regarding the mentorship program or eligibility, please feel free to email amenapsystudents[at]

AMENA-Psy Student Member Listserv

Too often MENA students feel isolated and unsupported. We want to change that and help students find the resources and support they need. 

The AMENA-Psy Student Committee created this listserv ( to provide graduate and undergraduate student members of AMENA-Psy with an electronic platform for networking and easy access to fellow students for the purpose of sharing information, resources, and opportunities that are relevant to the profession and training in psychology. 

Upon joining the organization, student members are added to the general AMENA-Psy listserv (, which is open to all members of AMENA-Psy. This listserv is only open to undergraduate or graduate students who hold active membership in AMENA-Psy.

This benefit is optional. 

To be added to the student listserv please email amenapsystudents[at] Simply type “Add to student listserv” in the subject line.

To be removed, type "Remove from student listserv" in the subject line. 

Please take a moment and read the listserv rules


Doctoral Internship Working Group

Our Internship Working Group is a wonderful experience and provides students a great source of support through the process of applying to internships. The group meets once a week to work on materials, ask questions, and receive feedback on materials. Additionally, current and recent interns meet with the working group sporadically throughout the fall semester to discuss their insight from the process. Members of the group also participate in mock interviews with AMENA-Psy members, which has been identified as incredibly helpful. 

To be eligible to join the group, students must have active membership with AMENA-Psy and applying to doctoral internship that fall semester. Questions? Email amenapsystudents[at] Type “Internship working group inquiry” in the subject line.

Student Member Communi-Tea Time

Throughout the year, we like to hold space for students to connect, share, and meet new people. In an effort to support one another and foster community, we invite student members to our informal Communi-Tea Time. Announcements and registration links are sent through the listserv. Be on the lookout for our next one! We hope to see you there :) 

Student Member Resources

Student Committee develops resources for our student members to support them throughout their academic journey. To access the resources you must be an active member and signed into your AMENA-psy account.



This resource is a compilation of scholarships, fellowships, travel grants, and research grants to which AMENA-Psy student members may apply. Please read the specific requirements of each opportunity to determine your eligibility.
If you are aware of any opportunities that should be added to this directory, you may submit them by completing the following form:

Arab/MENA Psychology Training Directory

AMENA-Psy, in a joint effort between the Research & Education Committee and the Student Committee, has developed a Research and Training Directory featuring details on scholars engaged in research involving Arab/MENA communities.

This directory consists of scholars who have conducted MENA-focused research and/or who have MENA ethnic/racial backgrounds. AMENA-Psy members may utilize this resource to find potential graduate school advisors or research collaborators. Anyone interested in being included in this directory or nominating someone for inclusion may do so by completing the following form:

This resource is accessible to AMENA-PSY Members only. 

Link to Document: AMENA-Psy Research and Training Directory