Student Member-at-Large  Rouan Salim, B.A. Student Committee Chair (2024-2025) Rouan is a second-year Psychology doctoral student at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Her experiences growing up as a first-generation Palestinian-American inspired her interest in Arab/MENA psychology. Rouan works in the Research Against Anti-Racism and Gender Equity (RAGE) Lab with research interests centered on Arab/MENA ethnic and collective identity, sense of belonging, and well-being, with a particular focus on Palestinian populations. Rouan is passionate about research and advocacy with communities who uphold social justice values in their advancement of research and practice, and working collaboratively to address the urgent psychological challenges confronting Arab/MENA individuals. In her free time, she enjoys reading, running, listening to music, and spending time with friends and family. Why AMENA-Psy? Rouan knows firsthand through her membership in AMENA-Psy how beneficial it is to receive mentorship from Arab/MENA students and scholars who are like-minded in their passion for representing Arab/MENA groups in the field of psychology. She is excited to continue fostering community within the AMENA-Psy Student Committee, supporting their ongoing initiatives, and advocating for the dismantling of systems of oppression in Arab/MENA communities. Rouan believes that taking such steps will also serve to highlight individuals in the field who deserve recognition for their valuable contributions. Recognizing and celebrating the contributions of Arab/MENA researchers and practitioners not only validates their expertise but also inspires future generations to pursue their passions in psychology and beyond! 2024 Student Committee | | | | | | | Aber Abdulle, M.A. Leadership Collaborator (2024/2025) Aber Abdulle (she/her) is a Psychology doctoral student specializing in Personality and Social Contexts at the University of Michigan. Prior to starting her doctoral studies, Aber earned her B.A. in Health Studies from Queen's University in 2017 and her M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Michigan School of Psychology in 2021. Aber's research interests are informed by her own lived experiences as a Somali-Canadian who was born and raised in the United Arab Emirates. Her research is driven by a keen interest in the complexities of racial, ethnic, and cultural identity development among Black and MENA communities, specifically those exposed to multiple cultural systems. She hopes to explore how these communities cultivate critical consciousness and the motivation to produce social change and engage in political activism. In her spare time, Aber is a sports enthusiast who also enjoys yoga, architectural photography, and long walks. Why AMENA-Psy? Aber's passion for community involvement, mentorship, and social justice advocacy aligns well with AMENA-Psy's values. As Leadership Collaborator, she’s excited to work with fellow committee members to create safe, supportive, and affirming environments and initiatives for our diverse student body. Excited to be in community :) |  |  | Isabella Tomei, M.A. Professional Development Chair (2023/2025) Isabella (Bella) is a third-year Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at Miami University. She obtained her B.S. from Fordham University in New York City. As a Lebanese American, her cultural identity and values have served as the foundation for her professional aspirations. Bella’s research interests broadly pertain to ethnic-racial socialization (ERS), resilience factors, psychological well-being, and health behaviors of Arab/Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) individuals. Clinically, Bella aspires to provide culturally sensitive and accessible treatment that will adequately serve historically underserved populations. Why AMENA-Psy? AMENA-Psy provided a professional community where Bella’s Lebanese roots and immense passion for psychology seamlessly intersected. She is ecstatic about serving as the Professional Development Chair and crafting relevant programming that will best serve the professional goals of AMENA-Psy students. In her free time, Bella enjoys spending time with family and friends, participating in different activities at her church, trying new coffee spots, and practicing Arabic. | | Fatmeh Baidoun Professional Development Collaborator (2024/2025) Fatmeh Baidoun (she/her) is a 2nd year PhD Student at the University of Michigan (UM) Joint Women and Gender Studies and Psychology program and a member of the Research Against Anti-Racism and Gender Equity (RAGE) Lab. She holds a Masters of Social Work from UM and a Bachelors of Science from Wayne State University in Psychology and minor in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies. She grew up between Dearborn, Michigan and Beirut, Lebanon which informed her curiosities, drive for social justice and therefore, a natural fit within research to nurture them. Prior to the PhD program, she worked as a researcher for over a decade on a variety of research projects as well as several other capacities in the gender-based violence field. Honing in from these experiences, she is broadly interested in the psychology of Arab/MENA women* and exploring root causes of social issues in the Arab/MENA community. Her current research is focused on conceptualizing ‘3ayb’ within feminist and Arab/MENA psychological literature. She is committed to interdisciplinary work and centering Arab feminisms in her pedagogy and research. In her free time, she enjoys podcasts, journaling, and listening to house/techno music. Why Amena-Psy? AMENA-Psy is the space where she can feel most herself. She doesn't feel like she needs to dilute any parts of herself and is accepted and most importantly, understood. Community and organizing are an integral part of her being and it is important for her to provide the accessibility and opportunities that are not advocated or available to all, particularly MENA students. She is humbled to actively co-create a space that supports current and future MENA psychologists on their journey whatever that is or looks like. |  |  | Roua Daas Student Liaison (2024/2025) Roua Daas is a second-year Dual-Title PhD student at Pennsylvania State University in the Clinical Psychology and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program. She received a B.A. from Butler University, where she majored in Psychology and French and minored in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies. Her experiences growing up as a displaced Palestinian inspired her interests in MENA psychology. Roua’s research interests are centered around the intersection between political context, cultural context, and psychopathology & identity, particularly for Arab and Palestinian populations. She is interested in exploring how our political context shapes our understanding of self, as well as how psychology can be used as a tool towards the liberation of all oppressed peoples. Why Amena-Psy? AMENA-Psy is the intersection between Roua’s passion for psychology and her cultural and political identity. It provides a home and a sense of community within the field of psychology. She is so excited to serve as the Student Liaison Chair and to continue to build this sense of community within and beyond AMENA-Psy by fostering connections with other student organizations. | | Rammy Salem, M.A. Research Chair (2023/2024) Rammy is a PhD Candidate studying social psychology in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests include motivated reasoning, morality, and intergroup relations. He enjoys meeting new people and playing with his daughter, Layla. Why AMENA-Psy? Rammy finds it hard to overstate the sense of community that AMENA-Psy brings. He is honored to work with the Student Committee to enrich the experiences of AMENA-Psy student members and expand AMENA-Psy’s reach. |  |  | Sarvy Tate Mentorship Program Chair (2024/2025) Sarvenaz is a second-year Clinical Psychology Psy.D. student at Alliant International University, Fresno. She obtained her B.A. from the University of California, Irvine. As an Iranian American with a re-migration experience, her cultural identity has informed her research on how those from Arab/MENA backgrounds perceive and navigate the homeland and diaspora. Oriented toward psychodynamic work, her clinical interests include dreamwork, spiritual experiences, posttraumatic growth, perinatal and reproductive health, and the neurobiology of culture. She enjoys tending to her garden and being silly with her two children. Why Amena-Psy? Sarvenaz found loving community in AMENA-Psy who offered understanding, representation, and a shared passion for social justice. AMENA-Psy offers a space that nurtures her intersectional identity and interests. From invaluable professional connections to treasured friendships with kind and genuine individuals, AMENA-Psy has provided the supportive backbone that enables her to pursue work that is meaningful and impactful. She is grateful to serve on the Student Committee and pass on the mentorship and resources that have guided her educational success. | | We would not be where we are now without our previous students who served on this committee On occasion, the SC recruits AMENA-Psy student members who are interested in a specific project or initiative to serve on a committee. Through community and teamwork, we accomplish great things #WeAreMENA Campaign Committee Sarah Alsaidi, Bahaur Amini, Rebecca Moussa, Zeina Soued, Mary Rogers, Nuha Alshabani, & Autena Torbati Contact Student Committee amenapsystudents[at]