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Given the underrepresentation of Arab/MENA psychology professionals, the critical need for additional resources for serving the mental health needs of AMENA individuals, and the ongoing marginalization of this population, advocacy is central to our organization’s mission. Advocacy requires an understanding contextual factors that influence problems experienced by individuals, and removing or reducing the impact of oppressive environmental barriers. We aim to advocate at local and national levels, and to support the efforts of organizations working to address the needs of Arab/MENA individuals. In line with this goal, one of our early efforts involved developing a collective response highlighting our deep concern regarding the events spanning the past decade documenting in the Independent Review Relating to Ethics Guidelines, National Security, Interrogations, and Torture (“the Hoffman Report”).

The goals of this section are to:

  1. Advocate for the needs and goals of Arab/MENA individuals and communities.
  2. Advocate for the needs and goals of Arab/MENA psychologists, and enhance representation and visibility.
  3. Collaborate and mobilize with other organizations with overlapping interests and missions.
  4. Publicly share statements and perspectives regarding socio-political developments and current events that impact Arab/MENA communities.
  5. Disseminate policy-related materials and responses that have relevance to the Arab/MENA communities.

AMENA-Psy Stands for Justice

We Stand in Solidarity with our AAPI Siblings, Peers, and Colleagues (Resource Document) 

Visit our RESOURCE LIST which is continuously updated. 

Palestine Resource Guide 




For questions related to advocacy initiatives please email the advocacy committee co-chairs:

Nadia Alsamadi, Psy.D. (dr.nalsamadi[at]

Nahaal Binazir, Psy.D. (ntbinazir[at]